--I've quite a few pet peeves. Not the most surprising truth, just wanted to get some of them out there. A select few of them: Chewing with your mouth open, nail filing, people who have no concept of tact, guests (at work) that blatantly stand in everyone's way or take up the whole aisle with their group, guests who can't read simple signs such as "ENTRANCE/EXIT" or "RESTROOM BEING CLEANED. CLOSED. USE PHARMACY BATHROOM", guests who wait with blank expressions expecting to be helped without first ASKING, loogie hocking, loud inconsiderate roommate sex when their bedroom door is right next to a communal area (Yes, I'm looking at you, Jon), and finally did I mention TACT?? Easily my biggest peeve, so it had to be mentioned. How is it such an impossible idea to grasp? For those who might not know it by definition..
TACT : a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense.
--I don't bruise no matter how hard I'm hit. Probably has something to do with my poor circulation. If being hit by a car doesn't do it, I don't think anything will :P
--Last one reminded me of this. I run abnormally hot. This is why I hate warm weather and much prefer winter. Anything above 70 degrees is too warm for me and I overheat like crazy. Work has been killing me lately and I feel like I'm going to pass out constantly. I have to chug water and Gatorade just to break even. This got me the nickname "Frosty the Fuckin' Snowman" back in highschool. I thrive in the cold.
--It's very hard for me to have really great friendships with guys. I've always had more female friends and generally better friendships with them. This is especially true when it comes to actually opening up and being myself. More often than not I'm much more comfortable with women in that respect.
--Followup to the previous. I tend to maintain friendships with ex's. For the most part, they know me better than most friends ever will, so they themselves make great friends after the fact. Apparently this is an unusual thing, but it's always been the norm for me and not odd whatsoever.
--I once stayed up for over 100 hours straight. The summer before my freshman or sophomore year of high school several of my friends and I created what would come to be called the Insomnia 500. A contest between about 7 or 8 of us to see who could stay up, in an AOL chat room, the longest. If any of us became unresponsive for longer than 15 minutes, we were out. This allowed time for small food/bathroom/shower breaks, but not quite enough to sneak in a nap. By hour 72 or so, I was the only remaining person in the contest. At this point most of my typing was gibberish, as I was no longer in any way coherent. The walls looked like seas of moving beetles and I was hearing noises and voices constantly. When everyone had gotten their rest and come back, they were shocked to see walls of text from me jabbering on with random stories and tales and other assorted nonsense. At hour 100 I finally passed out from exhaustion and slept for about about 18 hours straight. I will never do this again, as it's as close to sheer insanity as I can imagine getting without actually losing my mind
Shorter truth post for the time being, but I've spent too much time doing just this one. Shorter more frequent posts works a lot better! Enjooooy.
I never really had great friendship with guys because most straight people hate gays. o.o Although, every guy I've met on Ustream I can be friends with of course, including you.
ReplyDeleteUsually it's the other way around when it comes to ex's. It's good that you can remain friends with them. :)