I have more truths to post in the future and many other stories to tell. First though, I pose a challenge to you all. I challenge you all to do what I've done. Lay all truths in your life bare. Dig deep and discover the truths you've been hiding even from yourself. List them out and post them. It's hard, it truly is. It will be very difficult and probably a bit painful for some. After my post, I expected to lose friends and general respect from many. What I got, however, was nothing but well wishing, positive advice and great friends telling me how proud they were of me. It felt WONDERFUL! If you want to feel better about life and have the people in it know and understand you for exactly who you are, no more and no less, do this. If it's something you're just not comfortable doing, that's perfectly fine too. No respect lost from me, I promise you. Being so open is never easy, especially if your closet harbors particularly large skeletons.
..but give it a try, if you can.